Tuesday, May 27, 2008

seedlings of change

The other night in WRT 307, we had a short discussion about the pace at which communication norms change in business. The bottom line: While certain genres retain specific structures and elements (the memorandum, for example, has not changed in 100 years), the style [loaded term] of the writing can, has, and will continue to change.

The conversation shifted to the range of writing styles that college students are asked to navigate. There are the informal modes (IM, blogging, Twitter, FaceBook, texting, etc.), the standardized academic modes, and the business/technical modes which they are entering.

There are a lot of considerations wrapped up here, such as changing learning styles and globalization. I did find this article more than tangentially related. I particularly liked the notes about how work tools need to mirror web tools.

It's why I love teaching professional and technical communication. Really.

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