Friday, May 30, 2008

dancin' with myself

Roaming Collin's space... a funny point about blogging for an audience of one. Why is that funny? Well, it's not quite HA HA funny, just more of a "pause and think about it" kind of funny.

I used to journal a lot. Maybe too much. It started to tapper off after the boys were born. It came to a screeching halt when I started grad school. It turned into a forgotten outlet when I started bringing work home with me.

For all of the obvious reasons (covered ad naseum in millions of spaces), blogging scratches that itch for me. And while I do write with a general sense of audience, the target reader in my head is me. I've always written this way. I know serious writers would disagree (and there's plenty of composition theory to argue otherwise), but I write best when I write to myself.

"Mirror mirror..."

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