Friday, March 14, 2008

break me off a piece

A little relief from the upper echelon in regard to our re-org. We now have more time to figure out what exactly it is we're supposed to do and how we're supposed to do it. Looking forward to all the challenging, engaging, and thought-provoking process planning. Umm, umm good.

Realized this week that while I'm not a web designer, I instinctively know when an interface is crappy. In WRT 407, we talk a lot about the subjectivity and objectivity of document structures. I've also used the line, "You don't have to know why it's wrong, you just have to know that it's wrong" with my students during document reviews. I guess it's the same thing. I don't teach my students that mixed construction in a sentence is a switch between grammatical patterns. I teach them how to recognize confusion at the sentence level. It goes back to some of my thinking about Collin's review. Is there a universal heuristic that we refer to when responding to crappy site designs and interfaces.

What's troublesome for me is that the most craptastic interface I've seen this past week is the front-end of a back-end project I've been working on. It can be incredibly deflating to build out a scalable and manageable information architecture only to see the interface mangle the logic.

Random note to all faculty that want to build their courses in Flash: Don't. And if you do, please do not ask me to change the comma in your introduction to an em dash. Don't ever.

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