Wednesday, November 19, 2008

mittwoch randomness

The Good Doctor stepped aside. Not surprised, but a little put off by the lack of communication after the fact. I should come to expect the vaccum. Excited by the possibilities that top-level turn over brings. There is a core of young, smart, and deliberate technologists in place up there. We're still moving forward and that's always good.

Not surprised that SU squeeked by Richmond. The Spiders aren't that good. SU is that mediocre. Devenduh under judicial investigation. It's going to be a long NIT season Uncle Jim.

UNC is not that good -- even with The Savior suited up.

Great time of year, so you get to fly through the possibilities: I love all things about Texas Tech -- on the gridiron and the hardwoods. Don't ask me why. I spent one long miserable year in the armpit of the country and vowed to react with disgust to all things Texas. That was a long time ago. Before ESPN ruled the known world, before anyone could dream of the The General donning a sweater of deeper red, and long before I realized how hard college athlethes work to perform at the level that they do.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Hey Mike -

Nice to see your blog! A friend emailed me that SU beat ND - wow - can't believe it.

As for Texas, Mark was sad to see them lose. I'm not much into the whole FB 'thang'...I'm looking forward to basketball! (Then we can talk about UNC!)

Hope you are warm...glad we didn't get rid of our flannel. It was 20 some degrees in Winston on Friday..brrrr
