Tuesday, June 24, 2008

glued organization

This is a really interesting discussion about what tech writers traditionally call glue text and advanced organizers in tech docs. Many moons ago I had a dog-eared text with an entire chapter dedicated to the effective use of transitional and organizational textual elements in technical documents. Admittedly, I've been a long-time advocate of their use.

Hackos' position and descriptions are relevant at this moment because we're currently working through the procedural and declarative information module in WRT 307. I've always presented declarative information as the contextual bubble in which procedural information is considered. But I like how JoAnn describes the common misuse of contextual information and how it can bog down or compromise the text.

With the discussion of structured documentation aside, I think I'll be using this article in WRT 407 this fall. I'm still hoping to restructure the writing activities within a DITA framework. We'll see how it goes.

... and because I like to brag: Opening day I landed a few pan fish and one wee Large Mouth. On the second glorious morning I pulled this beauty on a night crawler. Papa was returned in good health with a clean release.

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