Sixty-five to 85% of the jobs in the next 10 years are going to require knowledge/skills that are not currently attainable at the traditional 4-year college/university. Ninety-three million people in the workforce do not currently have a degree of any kind. We're no longer exporting jobs overseas, we're importing skilled, knowledgeable, and educated workers.
Employer acceptance of online education is rising exponentially as more executive- a C-level types are, themselves, past or current online students. Seventy-five percent of surveyed employers now have an acceptable opinion of online education. They don't care how someone has studied, they only care about where they have studied. BRAND!
We dont' want to be credit bundlers -- that's what Excelsior does really well. We do need to partner with them. Let's put the BLS or reconstituted BPS fully online as a degree-completion option. Six-week online courses. The attraction is time-to-completion and brand, not cost. Let students come to the degree with OER, CLEP, ETS, ECE/UEXCEL, etc. We're only interested in assessment of mastery. We direct students to OER and other low/no-cost learning options. We let Excelsior do the assessment of mastery. We accept the credit as transfer and role them into the degree completion program. Better yet, we offer the non-credit course, Excelsior provides the assessment, we take the credit
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