Thursday, August 23, 2012

fallacies and entrenched thinking

To the entrenched faculty I will be working with this fall...

When I come to your faculty meetings to discuss online teaching and learning, please understand that I am not a zealot. I am merely an advocate of online education for a number of reasons, many of which have to do with access, opportunity, and outreach. I am also truly committed to helping our University expand it's instructional portfolio with purposeful intent.

So here I ask, before you launch into me as a messenger of coming doom and belittle my vocation as nothing more than a fad, consider this:

The high school teacher you meet with at your child's next Parent Night will likely have completed a Masters degree online. The next morning, when your child awakes with a bad cold, the nurse at your doctor's office will likely have completed a BSN online. If it's good enough for them, could it be good enough for you?

Understanding and objectivity. That's all I ask for.

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